The Orange County Public Works Department is actively working on multiple new measures to improve traffic safety in Horizon West. Orange County has implemented Vision Zero, a strategy to eliminate all traffic related deaths by the year 2040. The goal of this strategy is to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while providing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all while taking a human-centered approach with the ethical belief that no one should be killed or seriously injured in traffic crashes.
Speed feedback signs have been installed on Tilden Road along the curve at the Golf Course, and a new signs installed on Hamlin Groves Trail. Raised Crosswalks have been installed at Water Springs Blvd at Oliver Twist Way, and along Atwater Bay at Quite Vista Dr.
Speed reduction projects are ongoing along Ficquette Rd from Ingelnook Dr to Summerlake Park Blvd, and on Reams Road from Summerlake Park Blvd to Tabor Field Ave.
Two intersections are under long-range consideration for conversion to a roundabout. The intersection of Summerlake Park Blvd and Seidel Road is possibly slated for the 2025-26 fiscal budget, and Tattant Blvd and Village Lake Road intersection is slated for the 2027-28 fiscal budget.

Along Avalon Road, three new traffic signals are under construction. Scheduled to open next month in December at Avalon Road and Porter Road, a signal will help alleviate congestion and provide access to the future Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine. An additional light is planned on Avalon Road at Water Springs Blvd with a completion date of March 2024, and the third light planned on Avalon Road at Phil Ritson Way with a completion date of July 2024.

A Preliminary Design Study was initiated for Avalon Road from and Schofield Road to Marina Bay Dr, which includes the intersection at Avalon and Schofield Road. No timeline is listed on providing the results of the study. The intersection has recently been overwhelmed due to the 55mph speed limit along Avalon Road and the increase in traffic from the opening of Schofield Road to 27.
A corridor safety project is underway studying traffic calming and pedestrian/bicycle safety along Hamlin Groves Trail. The study will be completed at the end of July 2024. A need for a traffic signal was already identify identify at Hamlin Groves Trail and Porter Road, and the design for the signal is scheduled to be completed in May 2024.
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